A comprehensive and growing list of all things SIPSTACK.

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Written by Kanasu Nagathihalli
Created 2022-11-04

Your brand is the domain that you have registered with SIPSTACK, you can create multiple brands within your partner portal.
The telecom provider of the incoming caller is provided when using the Telco/Carrier lookup tool in Smart CNAM.
Cloud UC
Cloud Unified Communications is an Asterisk based, open source platform, that allows you to scale and manage from a single console.
The name of the website belonging to the incoming caller is provided when using the Domain lookup tool in Smart CNAM.
The Lookup types offered by Smart CNAM offer the following up to date information: Risk score, Caller ID, Regional, Telco/Carrier, Online Profiles.
Message SSID
Every message successfully created by SIPSTACK API generates a unique SSID. The SSID is a 34-character string.
Partners are typically telecom related entities that create an account with SIPSTACK and integrate our products into their call flows.
Region describes the following information of the incoming caller when using the Regional lookup tool in Smart CNAM: city, region (province/territory/state) and country.
SIPSTACK Cookie Policy
Read our cookie policy, an exhaustive list of all the cookies used to enhance your user experience, before using our products of services.
SIPSTACK Partner Account
Creating an account makes you a SIPSTACK partner, and gives you access to our ever-evolving suite of products.
SIPSTACK Partner Portal
The SIPSTACK Partner Portal is the central hub that gives you access to all the products in the SIPSTACK ecosystem.
SIPSTACK privacy policy
Read our privacy policy, that outlines how we securely manage your private information, before using our products or services. SIPSTACK terms of service
Read and agree with our terms of service, that outlines our responsibilities as a service provider, as well as user obligations, before using our products or services.
Smart CNAM
Smart Caller Name is the next generation lookup tool. Smart CNAM goes way beyond just a name response and can include a tremendous amount of information when requested.
Source/Risk score
SIPSTACK's proprietary algorithm uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to uniquely weigh a number of factors to determine a safety score assigned to each individual call.
Users of an organization are authorized and given access through the SIPSTACK Partner Portal.
Vertical markets may not have a destination number to provide however, may wish to receive caller information. They can do so without a destination number for a minimial cost.
Whois is the world's most advanced lookup tool, proving information and trust ratings based on the incoming Caller ID number.
Whois Profiles
Whois profiles is a directory containing phone numbers that you own, and any relevant information. Registering a number allows you to enhance the score rating of those phone numbers, as well as utilize the Source/Risk lookup function.